The daily effects of TMJ pain can be hard to ignore. For those who live with it, this issue can cause discomfort during basic bite movements, issues with more frequent headaches, reflexive teeth grinding, and general pain in the face, neck, and head. Our Grapevine, TX dentist’s office is prepared to help you if you think TMJ disorder is something that you currently live with. Through the appropriate corrective care, we can resolve problems with poor jaw alignment so that you can bite, chew, and speak with renewed comfort. We can also look out for any issues with unhealthy teeth that have contributed to the problems you experienced with poor bite function.

Do You Frequently Experience Pain In Your Jaw, Face, And Head?

Discomfort in your face, neck, head, and jaw can be traced back to issues with poor joint alignment and movement. TMJ disorder stems from issues with stress from poor joint alignment as well as uneven bite movements. There are different reasons people have trouble with their alignment. In some cases, it is due to issues with stress or poor habits, while others can have problems with arthritis in their jaw joints or issues with poor teeth spacing or health that affect how they apply and release bite pressure.

Correcting Problems With Poor Jaw Alignment And Movement

Through appliance therapy, we can help you adjust your jaw and relieve the tension that you feel. Wearing this guard during the night will help you grow more comfortable with a better resting position. We should note that a custom appliance can also be helpful for those who suffer from bruxism—regular teeth grinding—an issue associated with TMJ disorder.

Dealing With Dental Problems That Have A Negative Effect On Your Bite Function

You may have a difficult time maintaining a normal and comfortable bite function because you have a problem with a tooth that is not healthy, or one that is too small, which leads to difficulties. In this circumstance, our treatment for TMJ trouble can include restorative dental work to support that vulnerable tooth. The good news is that in addition to providing a crown capable of absorbing bite pressure, we can offer one that matches your tooth structure and preserves your smile.

Talk To Your Grapevine, TX Dentist About Relieving TMJ Pain

Living with TMJ disorder can certainly be frustrating. Luckily, you can find that the treatment for this problem is surprisingly easy to fit into your life. Our practice is happy to talk with you about using appliance therapy to correct problems with your jaw alignment and movement. We can also discuss additional services that can improve your bite function. If you would like to find out more, reach out to Share Dentistry in Grapevine, TX today by calling 817-329-6000.