Tooth pain is certainly something to bring up when you see your dentist for your next checkup, but should you mention jaw pain as well? As part of your routine services, your Grapevine, TX dentist’s office can provide helpful feedback about the potential cause of, and treatment for, discomfort that affects your jaw. This discomfort that you feel could be connected to other issues like limited bite movement, neck pain, headaches, and more. Through the proper management of this issue, known as TMJ disorder, we can help you improve your quality of life and leave persistent aches and pains behind you!

Your Regular Checkups Are An Opportunity To Discuss More Than Just Cavity Concerns And Oral Hygiene

At every routine dental exam, you should feel comfortable talking to your dentist about any issues that concern you. Problems like TMJ disorder can be identified in the course of your visit, and that can lead to the beneficial support that you need. With that said, discussing all of your concerns about your dental well-being provides the most information possible, which means you can look forward to more support and prompt care when there are problems to address.

Discussing TMJ Disorder And Bruxism At A Checkup

For someone who is struggling with TMJ disorder, we can provide an evaluation and determine the right approach for treatment. By providing a custom oral appliance, we can help you put less strain on your joints and muscles, and reduce the tension responsible for your aches and pains. We should note that oral appliance therapy can also help you if you experience issues with bruxism while you sleep. This problem with persistent teeth grinding can lead to serious dental damage when not handled in time. Without timely treatment, wear and tear can lead to dental damage that calls for cosmetic or even restorative dental work!

Make Sure You Stay Consistent With Checkups!

Whether you think something is seriously wrong with your oral health or feel that your smile is in great shape, you can benefit from a routine dental exam. People who have no concerns at all can receive timely warnings about tooth decay or gum disease before there are complications to tend with. The teeth cleaning that takes place will help you remain healthy, which means you can look forward to more positive reviews at future visits.

Talk To Your Grapevine, TX Dentist If You Are Concerned About Jaw Pain

When you start to feel concerns about jaw pain, you should let your dentist know. By saying something about this issue and making sure that it is treated, you can avoid worsening issues with discomfort, as well as problems with teeth grinding that can lead to serious dental damage. If you would like to find out more, contact Share Dentistry in Grapevine, TX today by calling 817-329-6000.